Manipal, popularly known as an international university town, began with the establishment of Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, in 1953. It was the first self-financing medical college in the private sector in India, established in a barren hillock that has turned itself to be a green environmental town, with all modern amenities conducive to student learning. Today, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, is a name synonymous with quality medical education that attracts people from India and other countries of the world. The college has consistently been ranked among the top ten medical colleges in the country. Students from over 30 countries graduate from college every year, and the degrees are recognised worldwide. KMC has one of the finest learning environments in South Asia with infrastructure and faculty that support students to hone their skills to become outstanding medical professionals, true to its mission. KMC is recognised by the National medical council of India and the General Medical Council of Great Britain, the Malaysian Medical Council and the Australian Medical Council. The institute has strong academic linkages with national and international universities of repute. Many students from countries like UK, Ireland, USA, New Zealand, Kenya, Netherlands and Malaysia regularly opt for elective postings at Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, which gives them great opportunities to learn. KMC, Manipal celebrated Diamond Jubilee in the year 2013-14. The institute’s vision is to provide global leadership in human development, excellence in education and healthcare with a mission to train competent, compassionate and caring physicians through excellence in teaching, patient care, and medical research. The entire management team, the faculty, staff and the support employees, with the best available infrastructure facilities, has been working towards achieving the same.